Sunday, January 31, 2021

Goal setting theory

Goal setting theory
Success depend on goal


If we want to set goal then we should know real goal setting theory. Each of us has anyone goal. For example, every students study taking anyone goal, every trader do business taking anyone goal or all people any work taking anyone goal. Scientists think goalless people are like animals. Because, animals never expect that they will be a big person, they will be a big political person, they will do business and they will build a big building and will live this building. Their have tow job and that tow job is eat and live. When they get some food to eat, they eat this food and when they get a place to sleep, they sleep there. Moreover, If they get facilities then they bring some food for their children from there. Their have no one job without this jobs. But we are human. So, each of us have anyone goal in mind. I think which has no goal, he/she will never able to shine his/her life. I also think, which has no goal, he/she will never able to achieve success in life. Because, success of life depend on gaol. Goal is backbone of success. So, goal is very important to achieve good success in life and for this we should to set anyone best goal. 

Goal setting theory
know real goal setting theory

   How can set goal and how can to know 

   about goal setting theory?

  • Because many of us do not know real goal setting theory, we do a job but we set another goal. Due to that, we can't to reach goal and finally life becomes random. For this, I will suggest, at first to do test yourself. In that case, at first you will look, "What you are most experience in the subject?" Then you can set goal taking that subject.

  • Suppose, you are studying and you have many subject. But you special experience in Science then I will suggest, you can take Science group and set goal that, you will be an honest doctor. Then you keep the study continue and you have to try maximum. Especial you will do hard work. Find such a person, those have achieved success in science. Then you ask him that how to achieve success in science and request him to tell goal setting theory. Then you keep the study continue after you know goal setting theory from successful person. I hope, If you keep continue your study and hard-working then you will reach to your real goal inshallah.

  • Many people have goal that, he will be a big businessman. I will tell him to start his business from now. Because, time and tide wait for none. Never say I'll start tomorrow my business or job. Remember one thing, you will start your business small firstly. Then you can start your business huge and big when you gain experience in that business.

  • Many people have goal that, he will be a big political person. I will tell him to start his politics from now. But never say I will start politics after finishing my study and after I was established. If you start your politics from now then I hope you will be a big political person when your study will finish. You must be keep your study and politics continue. If you start your politics after finishing study then this will be very difficult and needed many time. One thing to keep in mind is that you will never treat people badly from the beginning, you will never do injustice, you will always judge for the sake of truth and justice then people will not recognize you as bad, they will accept you in their hearts and minds, because of which they will believe you in any work and will accept you as a great leader in country. 

  • Each of us has a goal in mind, I hope after reading this content or after know this goal setting theory and everyone will be able to set your own goal. 

Goal setting theory
Research and set real goal


Set a goal not two goal. You continue your work according to that goal. You will never feel failed. Be confident in yourself at all times and keep your trust in the Lord. You will do hard work. Remember, hard work and believe never unsuccessful. I hope, If you set goal according above rules then you will reach your goal and you can to achieve success in life. I have a request to everyone, If you like this goal setting theory of mine then please share this goal setting theory with your friend.


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Monday, January 25, 2021

How to achieve success?

How to achieve success?
Know & learn how to achieve success?

Introductionhow to achieve success?

There have so many people in our society who have done so many job or work and they have failed in the job. And because they have failed, they do not interested to do this job in the future. Moreover, there are so many people in them who do not find the courage to do those job. When they take good decision to do same job, in the meantime, they feel and tell always, "we have done this job a few times but we have failed."

Some question to this type persons: Can you give me answer of this                                                                                   questions?

  1. What can you show me in any book in the world? "If anyone fails one or a few times to a job, that job will never success in the future?"
  1. What can you show me? "Any scientist told this bad information?"
  1. What can you show me? "No one can succeed by failed job?" 
       I know, you can't show me it, because, every scientist told that failure is the         key and helper of success of future and it is very difficult to achieve success         without failed. Remember please, all scientist have described it well how to           achieve success.

Some comments of knowledgeable about how to achieve success: 

How to achieve success?
Learn real rules and success life

Great scientist of the world is Albert Einstein, Stephen hawking, Marie Curie, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Nikola Tesla, Galileo Galilei, Ada Lovelace, Carl Linnaeus and all scientist agree on a proverb of success and that proverb is failed job is the key of success. They told more "it is very difficult to achieve success without failure."

Learn and know how to achieve success? 

How to achieve success?
How to achieve success

If you want to achieve success then read,
Follow and Implement of following rules.

  • At first select a profession that you want.
  • Look and research the current demand and value of the profession.
  • You are looking this profession is very important, need of people and valuable in the present time.
  • If this profession is valuable then select it.
  • Remember, if your profession is business then to be unique profession for the place or on the platform where you will do this business. 
  • Now search such a person who has succeed in this job.
  • Suppose, you have got that person.
  • Asked him details how he/she succeed to this job.
  • Suppose, you have known history of success his/her job or profession.
  • You will do the same work he did, you will try the same he did, you will hard work the same he did.
  • Please remember, you should not work, hard work and try less than his/her. You will do more work, hard work and try than his/her if needed.
  • Please remember special it, you will face many obstacle going to do this job, many people will criticize with you or your job, moreover, many people will enemy with you or job but you will must be careful always and you will never look back, don't never look who, what are telling, who, what are criticizing.
  • If you continue your work to the above rules then I hope that you will must be success in this job. (Inshallah)


       Suppose, you have failed going to do this job. What to do  in that case?
       Let's discuss now.
  • Search those problems, for that problems you cannot succeed in your job.
  • Then, find solutions of it and solve or learn solutions. So that you can solve when needed.
  • Remember, you can failed many or a few going to do this job, but you must continue and you will be doing this job. Never feel failure.
  • There is a proverb, If you cannot it once, look hundred times, don't say anymore it "you can't/ I can't."
  • I think, "try is the key of success." You have to maximum try to success in this job.
  • I also think, "believe, honest and hard work never fails."
  • If you continue your work to the above rules then I hope that you will must be success in this job. (Inshallah)
  • I hope that you have learned and knew how to achieve success.

How to achieve success
Believe and hard work never unsuccess


Failures of past are the key of success for your job. All knowledgeable persons use failures of past in the future. They did hard work to success their job and to reach their purpose. Any knowledgeable person cannot success without hard work. So I will tell you, If you want to success and to reach your purpose then start your job now, not tomorrow. Because, time and tide wait for none. The rules mentioned are enough to achieve success in life. I will request you please share and discuss with your friends how to achieve success.
Everyone will be fine, stay healthy.


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